Concert Folk

September is around the corner, summer vacations are nearing an end and the Vancouver Romanian Association  and LiME Productions have been busy preparing a few announcement. Since we can't divulge everything at once, we'll start with our next concert - Romanian Folk Concert on September 29. The event will be the first event in collaboration with the newly created Vancouver Romanian Association (VRA).

The concert will feature music from already known artist Cosmin Atanasiu together with an upcoming Romanian discovery from Vancouver, Catalin Velicea. The two singers have been preparing a long repertoire of Romanian folk songs for your pleasure.  They will be joined by a few surprised friends on stage!

Following the concert, the LiME Productions djs will ensure the party continues with romanian dance hits, old favorites and any requests you may want!

Date: Saturday, September 29

Doors at: 7:30pm

Location: Rowan's Roof (2340 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver)

Tickets: $15 in advance ($20 at the door)

Limited tickets available, please contact VRA via e-mail to reserve or purchase your tickets.

Table reservations are available via your VRA executives or LiME Productions agents.

(c)Photo Credits - Nastassia Aladka PhotographyLet's party!

Vacanta de vara a luat sfarsit, iar toamna cu frunzele-i ruginii asteapta dupa colt sa isi intre in drepturi.

Vancouver Romanian Association a pregatit pentru noul sezon numeroase surprize, prima dintre ele fiind un inedit Concert Folk romanesc in data de 29 Septembrie, orele 7:30 pm @ Rowan's Roof Restaurant.

Protagonistii concertului folk vor fi deja cunoscutul Cosmin Atanasiu si Catalin Velicea, un tanar talent in devenire. Celor doi cantareti li se vor alatura alti invitati pe parcursul concertului. Repertoriul de piese folk romanesti vor incanta cu siguranta audienta.

Dupa concert, petrecerea va continua in compania dj-ilor LIME Productions care vor avea grija ca atmosfera sa ramana incendiara pana la miezul noptii.